Do you offer international shipping?

No, we do not! We do not provide international shipping services at the moment. We only proived shipping across Iraq.

What is your return policy?

We only accept returns for manufacturing defects within 3 days of receiving your order. If you encounter any issues, please contact our customer support team.

How can I be sure your products are authentic?

We guarantee the authenticity of all our products. We source directly from reputable suppliers and authorized distributors.

Can I contact customer support if I have questions or issues?

Absolutely! Our customer support team is available to assist you. Feel free to contact us through [email/phone] during our business hours.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Send us an email to tell us what's up and someone from our Customer Service team will get back to you as soon as possible. Be sure to include your order number (if you have one).

Please email us at

Other inquiries? Let's chat.

Please contact us via Whatsapp Business on: +964 (0)750 752 4893 or +964 (0)772 522 1221